д-р Ангелина Станојоска











Вон. проф. д-р Ангелина Станојоска е родена на 22.08.1984 година во Битола. Основното образование го завршила во ОУ „Тодор Ангелевски“ во Битола, додека средното во Гимназијата „Јосип Броз Тито“, исто така во Битола.

Вон. проф. д-р Станојоска во 2008 година дипломирала на Полициската академија, додека во 2011 година магистрирала на Факултетот за безбедност – Скопје на тема „Феноменолошки карактеристики на трговијата со луѓе на територијата на Република Македонија, во периодот 2004 – 2010 година“ и се стекнала со научен степен Магистер на науки од областа на криминалистиката и криминологијата.

Потоа, во 2014 година, докторирала, исто така, на Факултетот за безбедност – Скопје, на тема: „Криминалистички карактеристики на трговијата со луѓе во Република Македонија, со посебен осврт на начинот на извршување (modus operandi)” и се стекнала со научен степен доктор на науки од областа на безбедноста.

Вон. проф. д-р Станојоска во декември 2014 година е избрана за доцент на Правниот факултет – Кичево, Универзитет „Св. Климент Охридски“ – Битола, во научната област Криминологија, додека од декември 2019 година е избрана во наставно научното звање Вонреден професор во научните области Криминологија и Општа криминалистичка теорија.

Од септември 2017 година е избрана за раководител на Центарот за научно – истражувачка работа при Правниот факултет – Кичево, поради што била и дел од организациониот одбор на 4 (четири) меѓународни научни конференции. Исто така, вон. проф. д-р Станојоска е и Еразмус + координатор на Правниот факултет.

Вон проф. д-р Станојоска учествувала на бројни меѓународни научни конференции, семинари, школи, како и реализирала студиски престој од програмата Еразмус Мундус Базилеус на Правниот факултет при Универзитетот во Лунд, Кралството Шведска (во 2016 година), како и постдокторски престој на Макс Планк Институтот на Одделот за криминологија во Фрајбург, Германија (во 2018 година). Исто така, во три наврати во 2015, 2018 и 2019 година, е добитник на стипендија од Европското друштво за учество на нивните EUROCRIM годишни конференции во Порто, Сараево и Гент.

Вон. проф. д-р Станојоска е една од 10те млади криминолози – добитници на меѓународната награда за научен труд од областа на криминологијата која во 2019 година ја доделија Канцеларијата за дрога и криминал на ООН (UNODC) и Меѓународното здружение за криминологија (ISC). Трудот (Testing Agnew’s GST among Incarcerated Women in the Republic of North Macedonia) беше презентиран на Светскиот конгрес на криминологија, кој во октомври 2019 година се одржа во Доха, Катар, а подоцна и објавен (и е дел од доставените трудови до Одборот).

Вон. проф. д-р Ангелина Станојоска е автор на 58 научни и стручни трудови, делови од книги, како и на првиот универзитетски учебник по „Криминологија“ (на УКЛО) заедно со проф. д-р Пере Аслимоски издаден во 2019 година, но и на монографијата „Теории во криминологијата„ издадена во 2020 година.

Од 2017 година, е основач и активен ментор во клубот Титус Флавиус Орестес каде заедно со студентите учествува на Moot court натпревари на симулирани процеси пред Европскиот суд за човекови права во Стразбур.

Објавени книги (учебници, монографии, подглавја):

  1. Pere Aslimoski, Angelina Stanojoska. “Criminology”. Faculty of Law, Bitola, 2015;
  2. “The ‘Refugee Crisis’ In Europe: Was Macedonia Prepared?” Book chapter in The New Asylum and Transit Countries in Europe During and in the Aftermath of the 2015/2016 Crisis. eds. Vladislava Stoyanova. Eleni Karageorgiu. Brill Nijhoff, pp.140-157. 2019;
  3. Angelina Stanojoska, Pere Aslimoski, “Criminology”, Faculty of Law, Bitola, 2019;
  4. Angelina Stanojoska, “Theories in Criminology”, Faculty of Law, Bitola, 2020.


Објавени научни и стручни трудови:

  1. “Human Trafficking and Women as its most frequent Victims”, Yearbook of the Police Academy, pp.448-462, Skopje, 2007;
  2. “Ramification of the Concept of Human Trafficking from other Deviant Occurrences”, Yearbook of the Police Academy, pp.460-467, Skopje, 2008;
  3. “Comparative Review of the Criminal and Legal Solutions to the Trafficking in Human Beings and Smuggling of Migrants in the Former Yugoslav Republics”, Yearbook of the Faculty of Security, pp.365-376, Skopje, 2010;
  4. “The Connection between Terrorism and Organized Crime: Narcoterrorism and other Hybrids”, Book of the International Conference (Combating Terrorism – International Standards and Legislation), pp.724-735, Banja Luka, 2011;
  5. “Trafficking in Human Beings and the post – conflict Balkans as suitable grounds for continuous criminal process”, Book of the International Conference (“Security in the Post-Conflict (Western) Balkans: Transition and Challenges by the Republic of Macedonia”), Volume 1: 439-452, Ohrid, 2011;
  6. “Standard Operative Procedures for Protection and Treatment of Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings in the Republic of Macedonia”, author with Kristina Nikolova, http://www.diritto.it/docs/32814-standard-operative-procedures-for-protection-and-treatment-of-victims-of-trafficking-in-human-beings-in-the-republic-of-macedonia?page=1 .
  7. “The Process of creating a Trafficking in Human Beings definition”, Yearbook of the Faculty of Security, pp.196-209, Skopje, 2011;
  8. “Theory of push and pull factors: A new way of explaining the old”, Book of the International Conference (Archibald Reiss Days), Volume 1: 179-194, Belgrade, 2012;
  9. “How a cybercriminal does look like? Building a profile of modern criminals?”, Book of the International Conference (Suppression of crime and European integration, with a special focus on high technology crime), pp.227-236, Nikolova Kristina and Petrevski Blagojce, Banja Luka, 2012;
  10. “Criminal and legal aspects of trafficking in human beings in the Republic of Macedonia: Short review of the period from 2002 till today” International Yearbook of the Faculty of Security, pp. 212-218, Skopje, 2012;
  11. “Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings and their basic rights: It cannot be forgotten, but it can be suppressed” (Scientific Conference with International Participation – Police and human rights in the Republic of Serbia), Tara, 2012;
  12. “Human Trafficking in Europe: Character, Causes and Consequences”, Book Review, Central European Journal of International and Security Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3-4;
  13. “Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of organ removal and trafficking in organs, tissues and cells: can human life be bought? Book of International Conference (Archibald Reiss Days), Belgrade, Volume 2: 319-328, 2013;
  14. “Sport events as a field for violent games between fans: The case of the Republic of Macedonia and its legislation”, Archibald Reiss Days, Belgrade, Volume 3: 333-342, 2014;
  15. “Prevention of spectator’s violence and misbehaviour at sport events: The need of institutional cooperation before penal sanctioning”, International Conference (MACEDONIA AND THE BALKANS, A HUNDRED YEARS AFTER THE WORLD WAR I – SECURITY AND EURO-ATLANTIC INTEGRATIONS), Ohrid, Volume 2: 528-539, 2014;
  16. “Trafficking in Human Beings and Violence: Balkan Peninsula and the Violent Entrepreneur Model” (Scientific Conference with International Participation “Violence in Serbia – Causes, Forms, Consequences and Social Reaction”), Volume 2: 315-323, Tara, 2014;
  17. “Violence on Sport Fields as the most used weapon for national and religious “conflicts”: The Yugoslavian Myth” (Scientific Conference with International Participation “Violence in Serbia – Causes, Forms, Consequences and Social Reaction”), Volume 2: 297-306, Tara, 2014;
  18. “The process of Trafficking in Human Beings: Phases of committing the crime” International Scientific Journal “Horizons”, Volume 16: 39-52, 2014;
  19. “Positive discrimination of the minority in the Republic of Macedonia and causing of direct discrimination of majority resulting with forcing and producing of unprofessional and bad quality public administration” “International Scientific Journal “Horizons” University “St.Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola, Volume 16: 17-28, 2014;
  20. “The Circulus Vitiosus of Hate and Crime: Hate Crimes and the case of the Republic of Macedonia”, Archibald Reiss Days, Volume 3: 105-113, Belgrade, 2015;
  21. “Structure of organized criminal groups originating from the Balkan Peninsula: Models of Trafficking in Human Beings Criminal Groups”, International Conference, pp.689-700, Zagreb, 2015;
  22. “Situation in Balkan football: Clash between fans and football federations: An obstacle for prevention of sport violence”, “International Scientific Journal “Horizons” University “St.Kliment Ohridski” – Bitola, Volume 18, series A: 35-44, 2015;
  23. “Life in a Backpack: EU’s Asylum Policies and its impact on Macedonian Asylum Legislation”, Journal of Liberty and International Affairs, Vol.1 (2): 1-14, 2015;
  24. “Preventive role of media in maintaining the level of security at sport events: The cases of Serbia – Albania, Galatasaray – Crvena Zvezda”, International Scientific Conference (Researching Security – Approaches, concepts and policies), Volume 2: 91-100, Ohrid, 2015;
  25. “On the path of smuggling of migrants’ business: Macedonian case”, International Scientific Conference (Researching Security – Approaches, concepts and policies), Volume 3: 149-161, Ohrid, 2015;
  26. Lives in A Pocket: In The Labyrinth of Smuggling of Migrants Business Along the Balkan Route In Times Of “Closed Doors”, Conference Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Balkan Migrant Route: Between the Policy of Rights and Security”: 228-240, 2017;
  27. “Women and organized crime: Myth or reality (current situation)”, Scientific Conference with International Participation (Countering Contemporary forms of Crime – Analysis of current situation, European standards and measures for improvement), Volume 2: 139-146, Tara, 2015;
  28. “Human Trafficking: Increasing Scrutiny.” In Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy, 3rd Ed.; Bearfield, D.; Dubnick, M., Eds.; Taylor & Francis: New York, 2015; Vol. 3, pp. 1724-1728;
  29. “Lost Lives along border lines: Mobility, Crimmigration Law and Punishment”, Archibald Reiss Days, Belgrade, Volume 3: 141-149, 2016;
  30. ““Deviant” states or deviant migrants: Between the discourse of “crimmigrants” and closed borders in times of refugees’ crisis”, International Scientific Conference (Contemporary Trends in Social Control of Crime), Volume 3: 187-195, Ohrid, 2016;
  31. “Smuggling of migrants and the Balkan Route: Did we close the door?”, Scientific Conference with International Participation (European Integration: Justice, Freedom and Security), Volume 3: 237-247, Tara, 2016;
  32. Introduction for “Migrant and Refugee Crisis in Europe” (Special Issue of Journal of Liberty and International Affairs), Volume 1, Supp 1, Special Issue: 10-15, 2016;
  33. “Inside or outside: Human Trafficking flows and changing dimensions (The case of the Republic of Macedonia)”, Journal of Eastern European Criminal Law, Vol.3 (1): 85-96, 2016;
  34. Out of sight, out of trouble? : Imprisonment as sanction in the Republic of Macedonia”, Balkan Social Science Review, vol.8 (8): 79-98, 2016 (with Julija Jurtoska and Mirjana Ristovska);
  35. “The Role of Macedonian Police in Modern Society: The Use of Force as a Legitimate and Legal Instrument”, Journal of Eastern European Criminal Law, Vol.3 (2): 70-77, 2016 (co-author with Blagojce Petrevski and Ivona Shushak);
  36. “In the Labyrinth of Pain there is no such thing as Selected Victims: The Evolution of Trafficking in Human Beings’ Definition”, Journal of Eastern European Criminal Law, Vol.3 (2): 31-40, 2016 (author);
  37. “Europe’s quiet Crisis: „Missing‟ Migrant Children”, International Scientific Conference (Security Concepts and Politics – New Generation of Risks and Threats), Ohrid, 2017, Volume 2: 219-225, (co-author with Ivona Shushak and Blagojce Petrevski);
  38. “”Lethal” Ladies or “Desperate” Housewives: Agnew’s General Strain Theory and Violent Crimes Committed by Women”, Security Dialogues, Vol.8 (1): 4-13, 2017 (with Julija Jurtoska);
  39. “Modern Women or Poor Ladies: Female Criminality in the Republic of Macedonia”, Archibald Reiss Days, 2017, Volume 1: 89-98;
  40. “Ladies or Criminals: Patterns of Female Criminality in the Republic of Macedonia”, International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences, Volume 13, Issue 1: 147-163;
  41. “Normative foundation for the incrimination of smuggling of migrants in the Criminal Codes of Republic of Serbia and Republic of Macedonia”, Conference Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Towards a Better Future: The Rule of Law, Democracy and Polycentric Development”, Volume 1: 113-124, 2018 (with Milan Zarkovic and Tanja Kesic);
  42. “Are Prisoner’s Rights Universal? Comparative Review of Penal Systems and Prisoners’ Rights in the USA, Nordic Countries and the Republic of Macedonia”, Conference Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Towards a Better Future: The Rule of Law, Democracy and Polycentric Development”, Volume 1: 158-168, 2018 (with Julija Jurtoska);
  43. “Surrogacy and its legal aspects: Between Altruism and Commercialism”, Conference Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Security System Reforms as precondition for Euro-Atlantic Integrations”, volume 2: 265-272, 2018 (with Ivona Shushak and Blagojce Petrevski);
  44. “Malitia Supplet Aetatem? : Sanctioning of Young Criminals in the Republic of Macedonia”, Conference Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Law – Traditions and Perspectives”: 606-616, Faculty of Law, Plovdiv, Bulgaria (with Julija Jurtoska);
  45. Exploring The Patterns of Serial Murder: The Case of the Macedonian “Raskolnikov”, Conference Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Security, Political and Legal Challenges of the Modern World”, Volume 1: 105-112 (with Julija Jurtoska);
  46. Women in Prison: Bangkok Rules, Prisoner’s Rights and Macedonian Reality, Conference Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Archibald Reiss Days” 2018, Volume 1: 115-126 (with Julija Jurtoska);
  47. The Application of the Principle of Fair Trial in The Republic of Macedonia: The Case of Smichkovski V Macedonia, Conference Proceedings IBANESS 2018, pp.392-398, Ohrid, 2018 (with Mirjana Ristovska);
  48. When Asylum Is the Only Way Out: Macedonia’s Asylum Legislation Before and After the Refugee Crisis, International Scientific Journal “Security Dialogues”, Volume 9, Issue 2: 117-125 (with Julija Jurtoska);
  49. Feminist Pathways Perspective: A Case Study, Conference Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Towards a Better Future: Democracy, EU Integration and Criminal Justice, Volume 1: 48-54, Bitola, 2019 (with Julija Jurtoska);
  50. Towards the Performance Analysis of the Macedonian Judiciary System, Conference Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Towards a Better Future: Democracy, EU Integration and Criminal Justice, Volume 2: 145-159, Bitola, 2019 (with Ilija Hristoski, Mirjana Ristovska, Ile Masalkovski);
  51. Testing Agnew’s GST among Incarcerated Women in the Republic of North Macedonia, International Annals of Criminology, Volume 57 (with Julija Jurtoska);
  52. Criminological Explanations of Hate Crimes: Psychological and Sociological Criminological Theories, Conference Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Hate Speech and the Concept of Hate Crimes: Acts of Perception and Compulsory Social Conformism?”: 65-73;
  53. Forensic Entomology and its role in Crime solving, Conference Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Towards a Better Future: Human Rights, Organized Crime and Digital Society”, Volume I: 81-87 (with Julija Jurtoska);
  54. Seasonal Patterns of Female Offenders in the Pelagonia Region in the Republic of North Macedonia, Conference Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Towards a Better Future: Human Rights, Organized Crime and Digital Society”, Volume I: 169-178 (with Julija Jurtoska);
  55. Penitentiary Institutions and COVID – 19: How to stop the Virus and guarantee Human Rights, Special Issue of the International Journal of Liberty and International Affairs “Human Rights and Liberties in times of COVID – 19”: 80-92 (with Goran Ilik);
  56. Crime and Criminality in the Republic of North Macedonia: A General Overview of the Period 1991 – 2018, International Scientific Journal “Archives of Criminology”, Vol. XLII (1): 75-96 (with Oliver Bacanovic);
  57. HUMAN RIGHTS AND CIVIL LIBERTIES IN THE TIME OF COVID-19. Journal of Liberty and International Affairs6, 10-13 (2020) (with Goran Ilik);
  58. Crime and Criminality in North Macedonia during COVID – 19 Restrictive Measures, International Scientific Journal “Kriminologie”, No.4/2020.