Родена е 1962 год. во Гевгелија. Основно и средно училиште завршила во Гевгелија. Дипломирала на Медицински факултет во Скопје 1987 год. Стручен испит положила 1989 год.. Завршила специјализација по физикална медицина и рехабилитација 1998 год. Магистрирала 2002, докторирала 2010. Била на стручно усовршување во Р.Германија 1997 и 2000 год. од областа на рехабилитација во геријатрија и постхирушка рехабилитација.
моб. 070 370 864 е-маил : betiramova62@yahoo.com
1.Список на трудови објавени во целост во списанија и конгреси:
Studies published whole In journals
1. Popova Ramova E.: Evaluation of one clinical parametar by skoliosis in toracic lumbar segment. Physical therapy. Vol.30-31, 2003: 44-47. R.Serbia.
2. Popova Ramova E., Grkova B.: Estimation of group education on corection of spine deformity. Physical and therapeutical medicne. Vol.XL, 1-2, 2001:4-7. R.Bulgaria.
3. Popova Ramova E., Grkova.B.: Rehabilitation of post traumatic condition with pain by cryo therapy. Physical and therapeutical medicine.Vol.XL, 2, 2000:27-29. R.Bulgaria.
4. Popova Ramova E.: Rehabilitation of sholder. Physical therapy. Vol.33, 2003: 34-37. R.Serbia.
5. Popova Ramova E, Shurbevski M.: Rehabilitation of patients with trauma and circulatory disorders. Macedonian Orthopedic-Traumatology jouranl. No:2 .Jun 2004: 53-57.
6. Popova Ramova E, Rosic O.: The rehabilitation and medical support in treatment of sudeck bone dystrophy. Medimond. International proceedings. ISBN 88-7587-126-4.2005; page:207-211.
7. Popova Ramova E.: Spine deformity after long bad posture. VOX Medici, Journal of Macedonian Medical association.No 39, Juni 2003: 38-39.
8.Ruskovska T., Popova Ramova E. Monitoring of response to antiresorptive therapy in patients with advanced osteoporosis. 14 th. Meeting of Balkan Clinical laboratory federation . Sofia. Bulgaria.7-30 Sep.2006. Balcan Journal of Clinical laboratory,Vol.XIII .2006,1. page:100.
9. Poposka A, Ramova-Popova.E, Nikolov.Lj.: Ultrasonography of newborn hip.The XXth congress of European federation of societies for ultrasound in medicine and biology in conjunction with the XIth romanian conference of ultrasound in medicine and biology. ISSN: 978-973-8902-23-7. Timisoara. 2008; page:7-11.
10. Popova Ramova E. The indications of needs of preventive rates in educational system for prevention of spine deformity. Horizonts-Journal of University St.Clement Ohridski Bitola. Year 3. No.3 Dec.2008. 2-3-210. ISSN:1857-6206.
11. Popova Ramova E. Poposka A.: The sonogprapy diagnostic method in rehabilitation of knee pathology. Bulgarian Journal of Orthopedics and Traumatology. Vol.46. 2009;32-37. ISSN 0473-4378
12. Popova Ramova E., Dimitrovska A, Stojcevska Prodanovska V, Gramosli O.: The Impact of long bad position and physical non activity on pain and spine deformity. Contribution. 11-12,VI,2010. Bitola.. ISSN 0420-950. http://www.mnd-bitola.mk/files/broj%2012/05_Vlijanieto.pdf
13. Popova Ramova E., Dimitrovska A, Gramosli O, Ristecska S.: The application of software Spine mause in detection of spine deformity at school children. Science Conference. www.mnd-bitola.mk/files/
14. Popova Ramova E., Stojceska Prodanovska V., Gramosli O, Dimitrovska A.: Social acceptable possibilities for treatment od spine deformity. Horizonts-Journal of University St.Clement Ohridski Bitola. Year 5. No.5 Dec.2009: 301-315. ISSN:1857-6206.
15. E.Popova Ramova, A.Poposka: The ultrasonography evaluation oh the posterior cruciate ligament lenght before and after training in patients with posterior knee instability-preliminary report. Medical Ultrasonography. Vol.11,No4.Dec.2009:13-17. ISSN:1844-4172.http://www.medultrason.ro/the-ultrasonographic-evaluation-of-the-posterior-cruciate-ligament-length-before-and-after-training-in-patients-with-posterior-knee-instability-preliminary-report/
16. Prodanovska Stojcevska V, Isijanovska R, Popova Ramova E.: Knowledge of HCV infection among nursing students of the medical college of Bitola. Arc Hig Rada Toksikol:2010:61:197-200. DOI: 10.2478/10004-1254-61-2010-1990.
17. E.Popova Ramova, M.Lazovic, A.Poposka.: Treatment of spine deformity with three dimensional method by Schrot. 10th Congress of Serbian association of physiatrics. Cladovo. Jun2010. Vol.34.No.1. ISBN-978-86-906057-5-0. Book of abstracts::268-71.
18. E.Popova Ramova, A.Poposka, V.Stojcevska Prodanovska: The influence on long forced positions and the physical inactivity on back pain and deformity of the spine. 17th ESPRM European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2010. Edizoni Minerva Medica. ISBN-13:978-88-7711-616-1. Page:47-9.
19. E.Popova Ramova, A. Poposka, M.Lazovic.: School Screening for Bad Posture with Spine Mouse Device. MJMS. Sep.2010. doi:10.3889/MJMS.1857-5773.2010.0117.
20. E.Popova Ramova, A. Poposka, M.Lazovic.: The ultrasonography evaluation of knee artritis during physical therapy with low level laser. V Congres Multidisciplinare Nacionale,6-9 ockt.2010, Mantova, Italy. Abstract book: 29-32. ISBN 978-88-6261-182-4.
21. E.Popova Ramova, G.Pestelli, A. Poposka, M.Lazovic.: The effect from complexity physical therapy on degrease of pain by patients with osteoporotic spine. V Congres Multidisciplinare Nacionale,6-9 Ockt.2010, Mantova, Italy. Abstract book: 36-41. ISBN 978-88-6261-182-4.
22. E.Popova Ramova, A. Poposka, M.Lazovic.: Evaluation of effects of two different physical therapy assesments guidelines by patients witrh acute ankle sprains. 6th International congress of EFOST, 25th-27th November 2010. Brussels, Belgium. http://www.efost2010.com/free_papers.aspx.
23. Popova Ramova E, Ristevska S, Poposka A, Gramosli O: Kontrola na edukativniot proces kaj fizioterapevtite vo Visokata medicinska {kola-Bitola. Horizonti-glasilo na Univerzitetot,, Sv.Kliment Ohridski,, Bitola. God.6,br.6. Dekemvri 2010: 507-16. ISSN:1857-6206.
24. E.Popova Ramova, M.Lazovic: Prevention of spine deformities in adolescents due to inaduquate posture. Medical review. Vol:11-12, 2010:855-59. Doi:10.2298/MPNS 1012855P.
The study is in first 20 ranged 2012 on 31.okt. on www.BioMedlib.
25. Ramov Z, Popova Ramova E.: The estimation of competentiuons for veterans included in civil life-second cariere. ICERID 2011(4th Internationak. Conference for entrepreneurship, innovation and regional development). 5-7.Maj,2011,Ohrid. Book of abstracts:968-974.
26. Popova Ramova E, Poposka A.: The education for physical therapy, Where are we today, possibilities and perspectives. ICERID 2011(4th Internationak. Conference for entrepreneurship, innovation and regional development). 5-7.Maj,2011,Ohrid. Book of papers:975-80.
27. Ramov Z, Popova Ramova E.: Tourisam like a second cariere for veterans from logistic duty. The second International Scientific Congress-Biennale,27-29 April,2011. Collection of works of the Congress on theme The influence of tourisam on economiv development. CD of Congres full papers.p:149-154.
28. Popova Ramova E, Poposka A, Lazovic M.: The use of ultrasonography of knee in researches of effects of medical gymnastik. 11 Congress of physiatrics of Serbia with international participation. Maj 2011. Zlatibor. R.Serbia. Book of abstracts.p:189-192.
29. Petkovska Jovanovska M, Popova Ramova E, Poposka A.: The use of FRAX questionary in researches for prevention of osteoporosis. 11 Congress of physiatrics of Serbia with international participation. Maj 2011. Zlatibor. R.Serbia. Book of abstracts.p:193-197.
30. E.Popova Ramova, A Poposka, M.Lazovic: The ultrasonography Evaluation of Knee Osteoartritis during Physical Therapy with Low Level Laser and Sonophoresis. Journal of US-China Medical Science, Apr.2011,Vol.8No 4.(Serial No77)pp.237-241.online ISSN (1930-2088).
31. Popova Ramova E., Petkovska Jovanovska M, Angelovska B., Bozinovska I. Lozanovski N, Stavrevski Z.: Prevention of osteoporosis-non pharmacological management. Contributions. N0-15-15. 2012.http://www.mnd-bitola.mk/attachments/article/23/Elizabeta%20Ramova.pdf UDK616.71-007.234-07/-08.
32. Popova Ramova E., Angelovska B., Bozinovska I., Lozanovski N., Stavrevski Z.: Alternative method for treatment like a choice by students physiotherapist. Contributins.No.17-18. 2012. Prilozi, br.17-18. 2012. http://www.mnd-bitola.mk/attachments/article/23/Elizabeta%20Ramova.pdf UDK616.71-007.234-07/-08.
33. Elizabeta Popova Ramova, Biljana Angelovska, Irina Bozinovska and Oliver Gramosli : Knowledge of Spine Deformity among the University Trained Physiotherapists in Bitola, Macedonia . Volume 2, Issue 3 Editorial J Nov Physiother 2012, 2:3 doi: 10.4172/2165-7025.1000108
34. E.Popova Ramova, M.Lazovic: Questioner for spine deformity by school children. 12th Congress of physiatrics of Serbia with international participation. Vrnjačka banja.17-20.Maj 2012. Abstract book:81-85.
35. E.Popova Ramova, M.Lazovic: Physical therapy interventions and evaluation of effect of treatment in pain management. 12th Congress of physiatrics of Serbia with international participation. Vrnjačka banja.17-20.Maj 2012. Abstract book:157-161.
36.E.Popova Ramova, B Angelovska, I Bozinovska.:The Effect from Complexity Physical Therapy on Decrease of Pain By Patients With osteoporotic lumbar Scoliosis. Open Access Scientific Reports. http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/scientificreports.284. Vol.1.Issue 5.2012.
37. E.Popova Ramova.A.Poposka: Reforms in higher nursing education in High Medical School of Bitola by Bologna declaration. International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Vol. 4(6), pp. 69-75, December 2012 Available online http://www.academicjournals.org/ijnm. DOI: 10.5897/ IJNM11. 009. ISSN 2141-2499 ©2012 Academic Journals.
38. E.Popova Ramova, A.Poposka, M.lazovic, L.Ramov.:Evaluation of Scoliosis Deviation with Clinical measurements during Physical Therapy. Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 15.03.2013. r 1 ; 6(1):31-36 http.//dx.doi.org /10.3889/ MJMS. 1857-5773.2013.0277.
39.Poposka A, Popova Ramova E, Petkovska Jovanovska M.: Questionnaire based screening investigation for risk detection of osteoporosis. Archives of public health. Vol.4., No.2, 2012;30-33.
40. Popova Ramova E, Poposka A, Ramov L.: Medication and appropriate physical therapy of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome patients after trauma. Bali Medical Journal (BMJ), 2013,Vol.2, Num.2:59-63. P-ISSN-2089-1180,E-ISSN.2302-2914.
41.StoilovaSnezana, Popova Ramova E.:Epidemiological characteristics of respiratory diseases in republic of Macedonia. 47th days of preventive medicine. International Congress.24-27.09.2013.Nis,R.Serbia. Book of abstracts.page:
Studies with IF
42. Popova Ramova E.,Poposka A.: The education for medical staff during analyze of physical therapists, possibilities and perspectives. ‘Wulfenia’ Journal. 2013. Volume. 20, Issue. 6, page:123-132.
43. Popova Ramova E.,Poposka A, Angelovska B, Ramov L.: Management of health care educational project for students in medical staff. Archives of Sciences Journal. (ISSN: 1661-464X).2013;Vol.66. Issue 6. page:184-193.
44. Popova Ramova E, Poposka A, Ramov L.: School screening for spine deformity with clinical test and spine mouse device. Jokull Journal. ISSN:0449-0576. Vol.63,No.:7.jul 2013.:97-105.
45.Stoilova S, Popova Ramova E,StoilovB.:The use of mobile phones among students of medical staff. Jokull Journal. ISSN:0449-0576. Vol.63,No.9.Sep.2013:423-427.
46.Stoilova S, Popova Ramova E,Stoilov B.: Prespa lake water quality and protection. Jokull Journal. ISSN:0449-0576. Vol.63,No.9.Sep.2013:2-5.
47.Popova Ramova E, Stoilova S, Ramov L.:Students perception of learning environment with DREEM questioner at Medical staff students. Asian Academic Research Journal of multidisciplinary. Vol.1, Issue 14, Ost.2013.page:555-63.
48. Popova Ramova E, Stoilova S.: The effect of Schrot’s exercises on bad posture correlation and vital capacity by school children age 10 years. Asian Academic Research Journal of Social Science &humanities.Vol.1. issue 18. Dec.2013.ISSN:2278-859.
- 2. Studies published in Abstract book in Congresses out of Macedonia
1.Popova Ramova E., Nedanovski.S.: Spine deformity and long bad posture conditions. First Congress of phusiotherapist of Serbia.Belgrade. 19-21 Sep. 2003, Book of abstracts: 59.
2.Popova Ramova E, Rosic O.: The rehabilitation and medical support in treatment of sudeck bone dystrophy. 5th Mediterranean Congress of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine. Antalya,Turkey, 30 sep.-04.oct 2004.Book of abstracts: 200.
3.Stojanovska V, Popova Ramova E. : Evaluation of effects of iontophoresis and sonophoresis with diklofenak gel in patients with posttraumatic tendovaginitis. .5th Mediterranea Congress of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine. Antalya,Turkey, 30 sep.-04.oct. 2004. Book of abstracts: 201.
4. Popova Ramova E, Schumanova C.: The treatment of knee arthrosis after sonography screening examination. Prv nacionalen kongres po Opsta medicina so megunarodno ucestvo na Bugarija. Varna. 03.-06.11.005. Kniga na rezimea: 38-39.
5.Popova Ramova E, Ilievska T.: The rehabilitation of patients after arthroscopy treatment of knee. 6th Conress of physiatrics of Serbia with international participation. Vrnjacka banja 01.-04.11.2006. Book of abstracts: 206.
6.Popova Ramova E, Poposka A.: Sonography management in rehabilitation of soft tissue lesion-case report. 6th Conress of physiatrics of Serbia with international participation. Vrnjacka banja 01.-04.11.2006. Book of abstracts: 206.
7.Popova Ramova E, Poposka A.: the low level laser in treatment of knee arthrosis. 5Th European congress of EMLA, Praga 19-21 sept.2005. Book of abstracts: 18.
8.Popova Ramova E.,Poposka A.: The low level laser in treatment of soft tissue knee lesion. 6Th Internacional congress of the Word Association of laser therapy. Lemesos, Cyprus 25-28.10.2006. Book of abstracts:42.
9.Popova Ramova E.,Poposka A.: The LLL in treatment of distorsion ankle joint trauma.6Th Internacional congress of the Word Association of laser therapy. Lemesos, Cyprys 25-28.10.2006. Book of abstracts:43.
10.Rosic O, Popova Ramova E.: Infiltracion analgesic therapy in treatment of acute pain spine syndrome. 5th Mediterranea Congress of Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine. Antalya,Turkey, 30 sep.-04.oct. 2004. Book of abstracts: 205.
11.Schumanova C, Popova Ramova E.: Treatment the patients with osteoarthritis after ultrasound examination. First Congress of ordinary practice doctors of Bulgaria with international participation. Bugaria. Varna. 03.-06.11.05, Book of abstracts: 38.
12. Ilievska T., Popova Ramova E.: Phusical therapy treatment by periferial lesion of facial nerv. 6th Conress of physiatrics of Serbia with international participation. Vrnjacka banja 01.-04.11.2006. Book of abstracts: 76.
13.Popova Ramova E, Petrusevska.M.: Aplication of galvanic impulse current intracranial by facial nerv lesion-case report. 8th Congress of physiatrists of Serbia with international participation. Ivanjica. Maj 2008. Book of abstracts; 268-269.
14.Popova Ramova E, Petrusevska.M, Poposka A.: The management of physical therapy by patients with lumbar pain on rehabilitation. 8th Congress of physiatrists of Serbia with international participation.Ivanjica Maj 2008. Book of abstracts; 260-261.
15.Nikolov Lj, Poposka A, Popova Ramova.E.: Skateboard related injuries treatment and early rehabilitation. 8th Congress of physiatrists of Serbia with international participation. Ivanjica maj 2008. Book of abstracts; 209.
16.Popova Ramova E. Poposka A.: Physical therapy and medical support by patient with slow bone healing after fracture. First Congress of SOTA with international participation. Belgrade. 25-26.09.2008. Book of abstracts. 84-85.
17.Popova Ramova E, Ristevska S, Poposka A, Dimitrova A, Gramosli O.: Education for physical therapy in FYRO Macedonia. 1St World Conference on Medical Rehabilitation in rural and Developing Regions. 09-11-06.2009, Kayseri.Turkey. Book of abstracts:10.
18. Poposka A, Popova Ramova E, Angelovska L, Nikolov Lj.: Present state of early clinical and ultrasound diagnosis and prophylaxis of DDH. 1St World Conference on Medical Rehabilitation in rural and Developing Regions. 09-11-06.2009, Kayseri.Turkey. Book of abstracts:11.
19.Popova Ramova E, Lazovic M, Poposka A.: The treatment of postural spine deformity by Schroth method. 5Th World Congress of International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 13-17.06.2009. Istambul.Turkey.Book of abstracts: 404.
20.Popova Ramova E, Ristevska G, Dimitrova A, Gramosli O.: The evaluation of treatment of ulcer cruris by lymph equipment massage. 5Th World Congress of International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 13-17.06.2009. Istambul. Turkey.Book of abstracts: 799.
21.Dimitrovska A, Popova Ramova E.: The correlation between clinical examination and spinal mouse examination by school children for spinal deformity. 5Th World Congress of International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. 13-17.06.2009. Istambul. Turkey.Book of abstracts: 405.
22. Gramosli.O, Popova Ramova E, Papadimiriu E.: Quality of life issues in rehabilitation on patients with stroke. 5Th World Congress of International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.13-17.06.2009. Istambul. Turkey. Book of abstracts: 223.
23. Popova RamovaE, Poposka A,Stojcevska-ProdanovskaV, Mircevska L., Jovanovska T.: Detection of patients for risk of osteoporosis with bone markers. 43th days of preventive medicine. International scientific meeting. 22-25.Sep.2009.Nis.www.izjz-nis.org.rs.
24.Popova Ramova E, Poposka A, Nikolov Lj. The use of ultrasonography method before regabilitation by patients with soft tissue lesions on knee area. First Congress of traumatology of Serbia. Subotica,23-26.09.2009, Book of abstracts: 166.
25. Popova Ramova E, Stoilova S, Tuteska J.: The rehabilitation program in elderly patients with osteoporoses bones. 16Th European congress of physical and rehabilitation medicine. June 3-6.2008,Brugge,Belgium. Book of abstracts:113.
26. Poposka A, Popova Ramova E.: Total hip arthroplasty cases in sonographic presentation. 16Th European congress of physical and rehabilitation medicine. June 3-6.2008,Brugge,Belgium. Book of abstracts:169.
27. Stoilova S, Popova Ramova E, Tuteska J, Gramosli O.: Detection of patients with risks of osteoporosis with bone markers. 16Th European congress of physical and rehabilitation medicine. June 3-6.2008,Brugge,Belgium. Book of abstracts:211-12.
28. Gramosli O, Popova Ramova E.: Determining the initial potential of rehabilitation by patients after stroke. 16Th European congress of physical and rehabilitation medicine. June 3-6.2008,Brugge,Belgium. Book of abstracts:238.
29. Poposka A, Popova Ramova E.: Analysis of Patients after Shoulder Trauma Dependiong of their Ordinary Condition. Brusseles hand/upper limb international symposium. January 29-30.2010. Genval, Brussels.Belgium. Book of abstracts:107.
30. E. Popova Ramova, M. Lazovic, A. Poposka.: The management of school screening program for spine deformity with spine mouse device. 17th PRM European congress, Venice, 23-27 May 2010. Abstract book: 33. www.esprm.org.
31. E. Popova Ramova, S. Ristevska, A. Poposka: Education for physical therapy on university degree of Macedonia. 17th PRM European congress, Venice, 23-27 May 2010. Abstract book:71. www.esprm.org.
32. E. Popova Ramova, A. Poposka, M. Lazovic.: The complexity treatment of lumbar scoliosis by adult patients. XI National congress of the Bulgarian Orthopedic and traumatologic association and EFORD FOR A, 06-10. Oct.2010, Malia Grand Hermitage hotel, Golden Sands. Bulgaria, Book of abstracts,No:086.
33.E.Popova Ramova, A.Poposka: Sonography following of measuremnets of posterior crucial logaments before and after training by knee instability. 6th Congress of Phusical Therapy and Rehabilitation.16-20.Oct. 2006. Vilamour.Portugal. Abstracts of lectures:page 77.
34. Popova Ramova E. The sonography diagnostic method in rehabilitation of knee pathology. 6th Congress of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation.16-20.Oct. 2006. Vilamour.Portugal. Abstracts of lectures:page 74.
35. Popova Ramova E, Poposka A, Lazovic M.: Application of softwatre spine mouse in examination and evaluation os spine bad posture. 2th Conress of Serbian traumatology association with international participation. 06-09.10.2011. Nis,R.Serbia. Book of abstracts:54.
35. E.Popova Ramova, Angelovska B, Bozinovska I, Blazevska M.: The effect from complexity physical therapy on decrease of pain by patients with osteoporotic lumbar scoliosis. 12th Congress of physiatrics of Serbia with international participation.Vrnjacka banja 17-20.May 2012. Book of abstracts:168.
36. E.Popova Ramova, Blazevska M, Angelovska B.: Alternative medicine in the treatment of back pain. 12th Congress of physiatrics of Serbia with international participation.Vrnjacka banja 17-20.May 2012. Book of abstracts:169.
37. Popova Ramova E, Lazovic M, Poposka A,Biljana Angelovska, Maja Blazeska, Irina Bozinovska.: Examination of bad posture with softwarw. 18th European Congress of Physical and rehabilitation medicine. European Journal of Physical and rehabilitation medicine. Vol.48-Suppl.1 No-2, June 2012.page:115.
38. Popova Ramova E,Biljana Angelovska, Oliver Gramosli, Antonio Mitrev, Irina Bozinovska. : Management of people with stroke in our society. 18th European Congress of Physical and rehabilitation medicine. European Journal of Physical and rehabilitation medicine. Vol.48-Suppl.1 No-2, June 2012.page:171.
39.E.Popova Ramova,M.Lazovic, B.Angelovska.: School screening for spine deformity with clinical examination, pozitive and negative sides. 4th Congress of physiatrics of BIH with international participation. Banja Luka 19-22.09.2012.Book of abstracts.p:150.
40.M.Blazeska. E.Popova Ramova, B.Angelovska.: The effect of conservative treatment in children with dysplatic hips. 4th Congress of physiatrics of BIH with international participation. Banja Luka 19-22.09.2012.Book of abstracts.p:169.
41. B.Angelovska, E.Popova Ramova,M.Blazeska.: Representation of flatfoot (pes planus) in the period from 2008-2011 among the school population in Prilep. 4th Congress of physiatrics of BIH with international participation. Banja Luka 19-22.09.2012.Book of abstracts.p:165.
42.E.Popova Ramova, M.Lazovic, S.Stoilova, B.Angelovska.: The level of stroke management in our society. 4th Congress of physiatrics of BIH with international participation. Banja Luka 19-22.09.2012.Book of abstracts.p:335.
3.Studies in active participation in domain Congresses
1.Grkov S., Popova Ramova E., Grkova B.: Hystorical development of physical therapy and rehabilitation in Macedonia. 1st Congress od Istoria of Medicine in Macedonia. Vinica.2001. Book of abstracts:56.
2. Popova Ramova E. Velcevski D.: Hystorical development of physical therapy and rehabilitation in frame of Military medicine. 1st Blakan Congress of Hystory of Medicine. Ohrid. Oct.2003. Book of abstracts:79-80.
3. Popova Ramova E. Markovski K.: Hystorical development of Military hospital-Skopje. 1st Blakan Congress of Hystory of Medicine. Ohrid. Oct.2003. Book of abstracts:80-81.
4. Popova Ramova E. Angelovska V, Schumanova C.: The systematic physiotherapy treatment in children with spine deformity. 3th Congress od pediatrics of Macedonia with international participation. Ohrid. 09-013.Oct.2003. Book of abstracts:199-200.
5. Popova Ramova E. Rosik O., Schumanova C.: Infiltration analgezic terapy in treatment of acute lumbal syndrome. 1st Congress of doctors for ordinary practice in Macedonia with inernational participation. Ohrid/02-05.Jun.2004. Book of abstracts:260.
6. Popova Ramova E., Schumanova C.: Fphysical therapy and medication of posttraumatic osteoporosis. 1st Congress of doctors for ordinary practice in Macedonia with inernational participation. Ohrid/02-05.Jun.2004. Book of abstracts:236.
7. Popova Ramova E., Schumanova C.: The iradiation of therapist of magnetic feald during work proces. 1st Congress of doctors for work medicine in Macedonia with inernational participation. Struga.17-19.Jun.2004. Book of abstracts:125-126.
8. Popova Ramova E., Schumanova C.: Sonophoris with Lasonil in treatment of posttraumatic scars. 3th Congress of dermatovenerology in Macedonia with international participation. Struga.15-18.Sep.2004. Book of abstracts: 110.
9.Popova Ramova E. The physical therapy by patients with chronic tend vaginitis after ultrasound diagnosisc. 7th Congress of international society for musculoskeletal ultrasound. Ohrid 07-10 Oct.2004. Book of abstracts:95-96.
10. Popova Ramova E., Schumanova C.: Physical therapy treatment of cervical vertigo. 3th Congress of Neurology in Macedonia with international participation. Strumica.22-25.Sep.2004. Book of abstracts:111-112.
11. Popova Ramova E, Velcevski D, Filipovski R.: The intracranial stimulation by lesion of facial nerv. 1 st Congres of Macedonian ORL Association. Ohrid. 28-30.09.2005. Book of abstracts:15-16.
12. Schumanova C, Popova RamovaE., Rosic O.: The role of ordinary practice doctor in early detection of patients with cancer. 1st Congress of doctors for ordinary practice in Macedonia with inernational participation. Ohrid/02-05.Jun.2004. Book of abstracts:176-77.
13. Schumanova C, Popova Ramova E.: The role of doctor from primary health care in treatment of acute lumbar syndrome. 3th Congress of Neurology in Macedonia with international participation. Strumica.22-25.Sep.2004. Book of abstracts:111.
14. Grkova B., Cvetkovski Z., Popova Ramova E.: Analyze of results from rehabilitation of children with pes equnovarus. 2nd Conress of MAOT with international participation. Ohrid.15-18.May 2001. Book of abstracts:63-64.
15. Popova Ramova E., Schurbevski M, Schumanova C.: Rehabilitation and medication suport in patients with fracture of extremitas and sistematic osteoporosis. 1st Macedonian Congress of physiatrics with international participatipon. Ohrid.08-11.06.2006. Book of abstracts:278.
16. Popova Ramova E, Ilievska T.: Dystorsion ankle sprain lesions and their rehabilitation program. 1st Macedonian Congress of physiatrics with international participatipon. Ohrid.08-11.06.2006. Book of abstracts:261.
17. Gramosli O., Popova Ramova E.: The development of physical therapy health care in Macedonia. 3th Congress of Hystory of medicne in macedonia with international participation. Stip. 05-07. Jun.2008. Book of abstracts:355-357.
18. Popova Ramova E., Poposka A., Angelovska V., Timovski I., Ilievska T.: Soft tissue lesions by adolescent, sonography evaluate physical therapy. 4th Congress of pediatrics of macedonia with international participation. Ohrid.18-22.Sep.2007. Book of abstracts:377.
19. Popova Ramova E. Schumanova C.,Ruskovska T., Ilievska T.,Zafiromska M.: Managment of patients for earlu detection of osteoporosis. 17th Conress of doctors association of Macedonia with international participation. Ohrid.10-14.Oct.2007. Book of abstracts:77.
20.Popova Ramova E.: The meanagement of tercial health care in level of ordinary hospital. 17th Conress of doctors association of Macedonia with international participation. Ohrid.10-14.Oct.2007. Book of abstracts:143.
21. Schumanova C., Popova Ramova E. Schukriev Lj.: Glucozamine hondroitine sulfate in treatment of kneosteoartritis. 17th Conress of doctors association of Macedonia with international participation. Ohrid.10-14.Oct.2007. Book of abstracts:79.
22. Schumanova C., Popova Ramova E.: The role of family doctor in treatment and education for patients with sistematic osteoporosis. 10th Symposium for education for ordinary practice doctors in Macedonia. Skopje. 17=19.May.2005. Book of abstracts:101.
23. Poposka A, Nikolov Lj, Angelovska L, Popova Ramova E.: Burden of musculoskeletal conditions in the bone and joint decade. 3 th International Congress of Macedonian Association of Orthopedics and Traumatology. 13-16.05. 2009. Ohrid. Book of abstracts: 97.
24. Popova Ramova E. Poposka A. Ultrasonography evaluation of treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. First Macedonian rheumatology congress with international participation-MAAR 2009. Ohrid 30.-9-03.10.2009. Book of abstracts:59-60.
25. Popova Ramova E. Poposka A. Lazovic K.: The posibilities of treatment of osteoartritis of the knee-benefit and harm. First Macedonian rheumatology congress with international participation-MAAR 2009. Ohrid 30.-9-03.10.2009. Book of abstracts:107.
26. Popova Ramova E., Poposka A., Ristevska S., Prodanovska Stojcevska V,: The assess of effect of education for spine deformity by university educated nurses. 1st Conress for students from medical staff. Bitola. 22-25.Apr. 2010.Book of abstracts:10.
27. Ristevska S, Ristevska G., Popova Ramova E. : The application of process of health care by patient with sclerosis multiplex. 1st Conress for students from medical staff. Bitola. 22-25.Apr. 2010.Book of abstracts:21.
28. Gramosli O. Popova Ramova e, Angelovska B., Mitrev A.: Evaluation of effect of education by students for electro stimulation application. 1st Conress for students from medical staff. Bitola. 22-25.Apr. 2010.Book of abstracts:57.
29. Arnaudova L., Dodovska V, Popova Ramova E, Poposka A.: Collaboration between High Medical School Bitola and partners from special medical department in educational process. 1st Conress for students from medical staff. Bitola. 22-25.Apr. 2010.Book of abstracts:58.
30. Velcevski R., Popova Ramova E.Mitrev A.: Acess of effect of intracranial stimulation by facial palsy lesion. 1st Conress for students from medical staff. Bitola. 22-25.Apr. 2010.Book of abstracts:61.
31. Popova Ramova e. Lazovic M., Poposka A.: Application of spine mause device in measurement of joint mobility. 1st Conress for students from medical staff. Bitola. 22-25.Apr. 2010.Book of abstracts:62.
Publication of books
- Popova Ramova E.: Idiopatic scoliosis, Monography. Skopje,2004. ISBN-9989-57-262-3.
- Popova Ramova E.: Prevention of osteoporosis-non pharmacological management, Project of High medical School, Bitola, COBISS.MK-ID 92169994. Skopje 2012.
- Popova Ramova E.: Application of CAM in conventional medicine. Skopje 2013. ISBN-978-608-65576-0-7. COBISS.MK-ID 93968906.
Publication of educational material in area of physical therapy and education
1.Popova Ramova E. Poposka A.: Prosthetic and Orthotic, for doctors and physiotherapists. Bitola 2008. ISBN-978-9989-2900-1-5.
2. Popova Ramova E., Poposka A.: Treatment of pain in physical therapy. Bitola 2008. ISBN-978-9989-2900-0-8.
3. Popova Ramova E., Poposka A.: Physical therapy and rehabilitation by nurse. Bitola 2008. ISBN-978-9989-2900-0-7.
4. Popova Ramova E., Poposka A.: Basis of kinesy therapy, Bitola 2008. ISBN-978-9989-2900-2-2.
5. Popova Ramova E., Poposka A.: Alternative medicine, Bitola 2009. ISBN-979-9989-6-0.
6. Poposka A. Popova Ramova E., Dimitrovska A: Kynesiology with functional diagnosis of muscles skeleton system.Bitola.2009. ISBN-978-9989-2900-8-3.
7. Poposka A. Popova Ramova E.: Sport medicine with treatment of sport injuries of locomotor system. Bitola 2009.ISBN-978-9989-2900-4-5.
8. Poposka A. Popova Ramova E.: Practicum for sport medicine exercises for physiotherapist. Bitola 2009. ISBN-978-9989-2900-4-6.
9. Popova Ramova E. : Practicum for physical therapy, for physiotherapist. Bitola 2010. ISBN-978-9989-2900-7-7.
All those books are publishing in Macedonian language.