д-р Дијана Христовска
Родена е во 1960 г. Во 1983 год. дипломира на Филозофскиот факултет во Скопје на групата педагогија, во 2000 год. на Институтот по педагогија го одбранува магистерскиот труд, а во 2003 г. на истиот институт ја брани докторската дисертација, со што се стекнува со звање доктор по педагошки науки. Во 2009 г. се стекува со звање доцент.
Во периодот 2009 – 2010 г. учествува на неколку меѓународни конференции.
Од 1984 г. па до денес работи во ОУ. „Стив Наумов“ – Битола, како воспитувач, потоа директор и денес како наставник по одделенска настава.
Член е на Македонското научно друштво од 2010 г.
tel. 047 525 705
mob. 076 465 035 e-mail : hrisdiki@yahoo.com
Ph.D.Hristovska Dijana,
Born in 1960. In 1983 graduated from the Philosophy Faculty in the group Pedagogy in 2000. In Institute of Education has defended the magistral thesis, and in 2003 in the same Institute defends doctoral dissertation, with which she acquired the title doctor of pedagogical sciences. In 2009 becames assistant professor.
In the period 2009 – 2010 has participated in several international conferences.
Since 1984 until today works in the prime school „Stiv Naumov“ – Bitola, as an educator, then Director and now as a teacher of that elementary school.
Has been member of the Macedonian Scientific Association – Bitola since 2010.
- Hristovska D.,(2011), Информатичко компјутерска технологија во функција на квалитетно неформално образование на наставниот кадар,Меѓународен научно-стручен собир,”Образованието за 21 век”,Битола
- Снежана Јованова-Миткова,Дијана Христовска,Како да се биде добар наставник-истражувач?Меѓународен научен собир,”Образованието за 21 век”,Битола
- Hristovska D.,(2011), Family school participation 4th International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education- Budapest.
- Hristovska D.,Jovanova-Mitkovska S. (2010), Practical strategies for improving the learning and the program for the students with special needs in the primary school, WCES, Istanbul, R.Turkey
- Hristovska D., Jovanova-Mitkovska S.(2009), Teachers in primary schools and their abilities for using ICT in the teaching process, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Systematic Research 3rd specially focused Symposium: Curriculums of the Early and Compulsive Education, Zadar, Croatia, Nov., p.295 www.wces2010.org/program.php
- Hristovska D., Jovanova-Mitkovska S.(2009), Integration of ICT in the teaching process, 5th International symposium Technology, informatics and education for the learning and knowledge society, Novi Sad.
- Hristovska D., Jovanova-Mitkovska S.(2009), What is the role of teachers of the gifted and talented? First International Conference, Talented and gifted creators of a progress(theory and practice), Ohrid
- Hristovska D.,(2004) ”Pedagogical Leadership as improvement of the work in the school”-Pula
- “Kurikulumot vo efektivnoto uchiliste”(2003), Zbornik,Skopje
- Student in Effective school” (2002) “ International Pedagogical Meeting , Faculty of Pedagogy-Bitola,
- “Didaktichko-metodichki aspekti na efectivnoto uchilishte”, (2001) Vospitni krstopati, Skopje, br. 48-49
- “Didaktichko-metodichki aspekti na efectivnoto uchilishte” vtor del, (2001) Vospitni krstopati, Skopje, br.50
- “Nastavnikot vo efectivnoto uchilishte”(2001) “Vospitni krstopati, Skopje, br 52-53
- “Efektivno uchiliste”,(2001), Prosvetno delo, Skopje, br.1
- “Didaktichko metodichkite aspekti na efektivnoto uchiliste”,(2001), Prosvetno delo, Skopje, br.2
- “ Ulogata na semejstvoto vo efektivnto uchiliste”(2001), Vospitni krstopati, br.54.55, Skopje
2011 -Efficiency and effectiveness of the teaching process, Bitola
2009 -First International Conference, Talented and gifted creators of progress (theory and practice)
Bitola and Ohrid, Oct.
2004 -International science conference :” School without unsuccessful pupils” Pula – R.Croatia Oct. 2004
2001 –Process of de-instructiveness and politicalization in education Skopje, May 2001
2001 -International pedagogical meeting : “The teacher of the 21.st.c.” Bitola and Ohrid, May 2001
Relevant Computer Experience: operating system Windows: Word, Excel Power Point, Internet
Interests : walking, love and taking care of the abandoned animals , music, reading books, travelling abroad